Contacting Clients During The Coronavirus Outbreak

Posted 19 March 2020 in , TM3 News, Business and Marketing, Support

During these challenging times and with the Covid-19 outbreak creating an ever evolving situation, we understand that you will need to send correspondence to your client list with an update to what you are doing regarding the current situation, your plans for delivering appointments and other important information.

As our support team are currently experiencing a high number of calls on this topic, we thought it would be best to explain in a short blog post how best to manage client communications for Covid-19 via TM2 and TM3.

TM2/3 Desktop

Within TM2/3 Desktop you can add the clients you wish to contact to the client list and then send your mass email through this method. A guide on how to carry this out can be found on our knowledge base, which includes a video on how to complete this task.

TM3 Web

With TM3 Web our integration with Mailchimp allows you to export all of your clients that have consented to receiving communications. From here, they can be sent a mass email.

To set this up on both TM3 and Mailchimp, we have an extensive guide which can be found again on our knowledgebase: Setting Up Mailchimp, Integrating TM3 with Mailchimp, Adding Clients from TM3 to Mailchimp and Mailchimp Walkthrough.

The other frequent calls that our support team have been receiving have been surrounding installing TM2 and TM3 Desktop to accommodate home working. Handy guides on how to achieve this can be found on our Knowledge base: TM2/3 Download and TM2/3 Install.

As always, if you have any further questions or need any more information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our support teams.

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